Exam Description

Business schools worldwide are using GRE® scores as part of their admissions process for MBA, specialized master's and other graduate business programs. In fact, the GRE®General Test is the most widely accepted measure of a student's readiness for graduate-level work — and the only test that can help you get into graduate and business school, giving you more opportunities for success.

Test Preparation

Please visit the GRE website at to help you prepare for this exam. 


Who is this exam for?

Prospective graduate and business school applicants from all around the world who are interested in pursuing a master's, MBA, specialized master's in business, J.D. degree, or doctoral degree take the GRE General Test. Applicants come from varying educational and cultural backgrounds and the GRE General Test provides schools with a common measure for comparing candidates' qualifications.

GRE scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduate-level study.

What items can I bring to the test?

The only items allowed in the Testing Center is your ID.  Please do not bring any electronic devices.

Are there security requirement I need to consider?

You are being monitored. Please do not bring anything to the Testing Center other than your ID.

Where do I pay the fees?

You are not required to pay a proctor payment for this exam. In some cases the testing company pays the fee and that is the case with the GRE Exam.

When is this test offered?


Registration is now open for test candidates.  Candidates will be able to register and pay either online at the ETS website or by phone at ETS customer service: 

Register only through the GRE website listed above, not through the Testing Center.

More information about GRE testing is available on their website.

